How to choose the right grip tape for a pro scooter?

This step-by-step guide helps riders choose the ideal grip tape for their Pro Scooters. It offers necessary information for selecting the perfect grip tape.


Understand the Purpose

Choose the right grip tape for your skateboard by understanding its purpose. Grip tape is crucial for providing traction and grip to your feet, ensuring you maintain control while performing tricks and maneuvers. To select the appropriate grip tape, consider factors such as your skateboarding style, the type of skateboard deck you have, and the conditions in which you will be riding. Additionally, take into account your personal preferences for grip tape thickness, design, and overall feel. By understanding the purpose of grip tape and considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect grip tape for your skateboarding needs.


Consider Riding Style

Evaluate your riding style to determine whether you are more inclined towards tricks, street riding, or park riding. This will help you choose the appropriate grip tape for your skateboard. To evaluate your riding style, reflect on the type of skateboarding you enjoy the most.

If you are into tricks, such as ollies, kickflips, and grinds, you need grip tape that provides a strong grip. Look for grip tape with a coarse texture that will keep your feet securely on the board during high-intensity tricks.

For street riding, where you navigate urban obstacles like stairs, rails, and curbs, you’ll want grip tape that strikes a balance between grip and mobility. Look for grip tape with a medium texture that allows you to easily reposition your feet on the board while still providing enough grip for precise control.

If you enjoy park riding, which involves ramps, bowls, and transitions, grip tape with a smoother texture may be suitable. This type of grip tape allows for quick foot adjustments and smooth movements on the board.

By evaluating your riding style and choosing grip tape that aligns with your preferences, you can enhance your skateboarding experience and maximize your performance.


Determine Grip Level

  1. Evaluate your grip preference: Start by considering your personal preference for grip. Some people may prefer a mild grip, which provides a smoother feel and allows for easier adjustments during gameplay. On the other hand, others may prefer a more aggressive grip, which offers a stronger hold and better control over the racket. Take into account your playing style and the level of grip that feels most comfortable to you.
  2. Factor in weather conditions: Next, consider the weather conditions in which you typically play. If you often play in humid or wet environments, a more aggressive grip may be necessary to ensure a secure hold on the racket. Conversely, if you play in dry conditions, a milder grip may be sufficient.
  3. Test different levels of grip: To determine the ideal grip level for you, it is recommended to try out different grip tapes. Purchase a variety of grips with varying levels of grip, from mild to aggressive. Apply each grip tape to your racket one at a time and play a few practice sessions with each to assess their performance.
  4. Assess personal comfort: As you test different grip tapes, pay attention to your personal comfort level. A grip that feels too sticky or rough may cause discomfort and hinder your gameplay. Conversely, a grip that feels too slippery may result in a lack of control. Find the balance that provides both a secure hold and a comfortable feel.
  5. Make a decision: After testing different grip tapes and considering your preferences, weather conditions, and personal comfort, make a decision on the ideal grip level for you. Choose the grip tape that offers the right combination of grip, control, and comfort to enhance your playing experience.

Remember, finding the ideal grip level may require some trial and error, but taking the time to assess your preferences and test different options will ultimately lead to a more satisfying gameplay.


Choose Material

When selecting grip tape for your skateboard, it’s important to consider the materials it is made of. Grip tapes are commonly available in two materials: silicon carbide and rubber. Silicon carbide grip tapes offer a combination of strong grip and durability. They provide excellent traction, allowing your feet to stay firmly planted on the skateboard deck. This material is especially preferred by skaters who engage in aggressive tricks or high-speed maneuvers. On the other hand, rubber grip tapes offer a softer feel underfoot. They provide a cushioned grip that is more forgiving and comfortable, making them a popular choice among skateboarders who prioritize comfort and control.

To choose the right material for your grip tape, think about your own preferences and riding style. If you enjoy performing tricks that require precise foot placement and a strong grip, silicon carbide grip tape may be the better option for you. On the contrary, if you prioritize a softer and more comfortable ride, rubber grip tape will suit your needs. Consider experimenting with both materials to determine which one you find most enjoyable and beneficial for your skateboarding experience.


Consider Design

Choose a design that complements your personal style for your grip tape. Explore the various options available, such as different colors, patterns, and graphics. Experiment with bold and vibrant colors to make your skateboard stand out. Consider patterns like stripes, checkered, or even custom designs. Browse through graphic options that showcase your interests, such as your favorite band, brand, or artwork. Remember, the design you choose should not only enhance the appearance of your skateboard but also reflect your individuality. Show off your personal style with a grip tape design that speaks to you.


Test and Replace

Finally, apply the chosen grip tape to your Pro Scooter and test it out. Here’s how:

  1. Clean the deck: Ensure that the deck is free from any dirt, dust, or debris. Use a cloth or brush to remove any particles that may affect the application of the grip tape.
  2. Measure and cut: Measure the length and width of your deck and cut the grip tape accordingly. Leave a little extra length for a better fit.
  3. Peel and stick: Peel off the backing of the grip tape and carefully place it on the deck, starting from one end and working your way to the other. Press down firmly to ensure it adheres properly.
  4. Smooth out air bubbles: Use a flat object, like a credit card or a squeegee, to smooth out any air bubbles or wrinkles in the grip tape. This will help it to adhere evenly and securely.
  5. Trim the excess: Once the grip tape is applied, use a sharp knife or razor blade to trim off the excess tape along the edges of the deck. Be careful not to damage the deck while cutting.
  6. Test it out: Hop on your Pro Scooter and take it for a spin. Pay attention to how the grip tape feels under your feet. If it doesn’t meet your expectations, it’s time to replace it.
  7. Replace if necessary: If the grip tape doesn’t provide the desired grip or comfort, don’t hesitate to remove it and try a different option. There are various types and textures of grip tape available, so experiment until you find the perfect fit for your needs.

Remember, finding the right grip tape is essential for maintaining control and stability while riding your Pro Scooter. So, don’t settle for a grip tape that doesn’t meet your expectations – keep testing and replacing until you find the perfect one for your needs.

Making the final decision

In conclusion, finding the perfect grip tape for your pro scooter is a crucial decision that can greatly impact your riding performance. By taking into account the factors mentioned in this blog post, you can confidently select a grip tape that suits your needs and preferences. So, don’t overlook the importance of grip tape when it comes to maximizing your scooter riding experience.

Necessary Equipment

  • Pro scooter
  • Grip tape
  • Scissors
  • Razor blade or utility knife
  • Hairdryer or heat gun (optional)
  • Rubbing alcohol or grip tape cleaner
  • Cleaning cloth or paper towel
  • Grip tape applicator tool (optional)
  • Grip tape file or sandpaper (optional)
  • Grip tape remover solution (optional)
  • Grip tape adhesive spray (optional)

Choosing the perfect grip

  • Consider your riding style and preferences. Are you more into street riding or park riding? Do you prefer a grippy or less grippy surface?
  • Check the material of the grip tape. Look for high-quality materials that offer durability and excellent grip
  • Look for a grip tape that is easy to install. Some grip tapes come with adhesive backing, making installation a breeze
  • Consider the size of your scooter deck. Ensure that the grip tape you choose is compatible with your scooter’s dimensions
  • Look for a grip tape that is resistant to moisture and weather conditions. This will ensure that the grip tape lasts longer and provides consistent grip
  • Read reviews from other riders to get an idea of the performance and durability of different grip tapes
  • Consider the design and aesthetics of the grip tape. Choose a design that suits your personal style and adds a touch of personality to your scooter
  • Compare prices and look for a grip tape that offers a good balance between quality and affordability
  • If possible, try out different grip tapes before making a final decision. This will help you determine which grip tape feels the most comfortable and provides the best grip for your riding style
  • Finally, take into account any recommendations from experienced riders or professionals in the pro scooter industry. Their insights can be valuable in selecting the right grip tape for your needs

Getting Started with Your Pro Scooter

  • Wear proper safety gear, including a helmet, knee pads, and elbow pads
  • Start by practicing in a safe and open area, such as an empty parking lot or a skate park with a designated scooter area
  • Familiarize yourself with the different parts of the pro scooter, including the handlebars, deck, wheels, and brakes
  • Begin by getting comfortable with balancing on the scooter while standing still. Practice shifting your weight forward and backward to maintain balance
  • Once you are comfortable with balancing, practice pushing off with one foot while keeping the other foot on the deck. Push off the ground and glide, gradually increasing your speed and distance
  • Learn how to turn by leaning your body and using your weight to guide the scooter in the desired direction
  • Practice stopping by using the brake on the back wheel. Gradually apply pressure to the brake to slow down and come to a complete stop
  • As you gain confidence and skill, start attempting basic tricks such as bunny hops, manuals, and 180-degree turns. Always ensure that you have mastered the basics before attempting more advanced tricks

Frequently Asked Questions about Pro Scooters

What are some popular brands of pro scooters?

There are several popular brands of pro scooters that are recognized and widely used by scooter enthusiasts. Some of the well-known brands include Envy Scooters, Fuzion Scooters, Madd Gear (MGP), Lucky Scooters, Phoenix Pro Scooters, and District Scooters. These brands are known for producing high-quality pro scooters with durable construction, advanced features, and innovative designs.