How Do Skateboard Risers Affect Ride Quality and Performance?

If you’re a skateboarder, you know that every component of your board plays a crucial role in your ride. From the trucks to the wheels, each part contributes to the overall performance and experience. But have you ever wondered about the little yet mighty skateboard risers? These inconspicuous pieces of equipment have the power to drastically alter your ride quality. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of skateboard risers and uncover how they affect your ride. Whether you’re a seasoned skater looking to enhance your performance or a curious beginner seeking to understand the mechanics, this post will provide the insights you need. Get ready to explore the impact of skateboard risers on ride quality and performance like never before!

What are Skateboard Risers?

Skateboard risers are small, rectangular pads that are placed between the skateboard deck and the trucks. They are used to increase the distance between the deck and the wheels, effectively raising the height of the skateboard. Risers are commonly made from materials such as rubber, plastic, or even metal. Installing risers on a skateboard can have several benefits, including improved performance and enhanced ride quality.

Why Use Skateboard Risers?

There are several reasons why skateboarders choose to use risers on their boards:

  1. Wheelbite Prevention: One of the main reasons for using risers is to prevent wheelbite. Wheelbite occurs when the wheels come into contact with the skateboard deck while turning, causing the rider to lose control and potentially fall. By raising the height of the deck with risers, the risk of wheelbite is significantly reduced.
  2. Larger Wheels: Skateboard risers allow riders to use larger wheels without the fear of wheelbite. Larger wheels provide a smoother ride, better grip, and increased speed. Risers create more clearance between the wheels and the deck, allowing riders to use wheels of their choice without compromising maneuverability.
  3. Shock Absorption: The use of risers also contributes to better shock absorption. When riding on rough surfaces or landing tricks, the risers help to absorb impact and vibrations, reducing strain on the rider’s feet and legs. This makes skateboarding more comfortable and lessens the risk of injury.

Installing Skateboard Risers

Installing risers on a skateboard is a simple process that can be done by following these steps:

  1. Gather the Materials: You will need riser pads, a skate tool, and your skateboard.
  2. Remove the Trucks: Use the skate tool to loosen the nuts on the truck bolts and remove the trucks from the skateboard deck.
  3. Place the Risers: Take the riser pads and align them with the truck holes on the deck. Make sure they are centered and symmetrical.
  4. Reattach the Trucks: Place the trucks back onto the risers, aligning the truck holes with the riser holes. Tighten the nuts using the skate tool until they are secure.
  5. Check for Stability: Once the trucks are reattached, ensure that everything is stable and properly aligned. Test the board by gently rocking it back and forth to ensure there is no movement or wobbling.

Types of Skateboard Riser Materials

Skateboard risers come in different materials, each with its own unique characteristics and effects on ride quality. Here are the common materials used for risers:

Rubber Risers

  • Made from durable and flexible rubber material.
  • Provide excellent shock absorption, reducing vibrations and impact.
  • Offer a smooth ride and enhance overall comfort.
  • Ideal for riders who prioritize a cushioned and forgiving ride.

Plastic Risers

  • Crafted from lightweight and rigid plastic.
  • Offer a firm and responsive feel, enhancing board control.
  • Ideal for riders who prefer a stiffer and more responsive ride.
  • Can be transparent or colored, adding a touch of customization to the board’s appearance.

Metal Risers

  • Constructed from sturdy metal alloys, such as aluminum.
  • Provide exceptional durability and strength.
  • Offer maximum stability and support.
  • Ideal for riders who engage in aggressive skateboarding or heavy impact maneuvers.
Material Shock Absorption Weight Ride Feel
Rubber Excellent Light Cushioned
Plastic Moderate Light Responsive
Metal Minimal Heavy Stable

The Purpose of Skateboard Risers

Skateboarding is not just about the board and the wheels; it’s also about the components that enhance your riding experience. Skateboard risers are one such component that may seem small but play a crucial role in improving your skateboarding performance. In this blog post, we will explore the main purposes of skateboard risers and how they can enhance your skateboarding experience.

Reducing Wheel Bite

One of the primary purposes of skateboard risers is to reduce wheel bite. Wheel bite occurs when the wheels come into contact with the skateboard deck, causing the board to abruptly stop or throw off your balance. This can happen during sharp turns or tricks that involve a lot of rotation.

Skateboard risers provide a solution to this problem by increasing the distance between the deck and the wheels. This extra space prevents the wheels from coming into contact with the deck, reducing the chances of wheel bite. By using risers, you can perform sharp turns and tricks without worrying about sudden stops or imbalances.

Improved Shock Absorption

Another benefit of skateboard risers is their ability to improve shock absorption. When riding on rough terrain or performing tricks that involve landing with impact, the vibrations and shocks can be harsh on your feet and joints. Skateboard risers act as a cushioning layer between the deck and the trucks, absorbing some of the impact and reducing the strain on your body.

The added shock absorption provided by risers can make your skateboarding experience more comfortable and prevent injuries caused by excessive impact. If you frequently ride on rough surfaces or engage in high-impact tricks, risers can significantly improve your overall skateboarding experience.

Impact on Overall Height

Skateboard risers not only affect the riding experience but also impact the overall height of your skateboard. The thickness of the risers you choose will determine how much your board will be raised off the ground. This can have various implications depending on your skateboarding style and preferences.

Here are some key points to consider regarding the impact of risers on the overall height of your skateboard:

  • Higher ride height: Using risers increases the distance between the wheels and the ground, resulting in a higher ride height. This can be beneficial for riders who prefer more clearance for larger wheels or those who want to avoid wheel bite.
  • Lower ride height: On the other hand, if you prefer a lower ride height for stability or tricks that require a lower center of gravity, you may opt for thinner or no risers at all.

Stability and Maneuverability

The use of skateboard risers can also affect the stability and maneuverability of your skateboard. The increased height provided by risers can make your board feel more stable, especially at higher speeds or when riding on uneven surfaces. This stability can give you more confidence in your riding and allow you to maintain better control over your board.

However, it’s essential to note that the increased height can also impact maneuverability, especially for tricks that require quick and precise movements. Thicker risers may make the board feel less responsive and slightly slower to turn. Thinner risers, on the other hand, may provide more responsiveness but sacrifice some stability.

Choosing the Right Risers

When considering skateboard risers, it’s important to choose the right ones that suit your riding style and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Thickness: Risers come in various thicknesses, ranging from 1/8″ to 1/2″ or even thicker. Thicker risers provide more clearance and shock absorption but may sacrifice maneuverability. Thinner risers offer better responsiveness but less impact absorption.
  • Material: Skateboard risers are typically made of hard plastic or rubber. Hard plastic risers are durable and provide better shock absorption, while rubber risers offer enhanced vibration dampening.
  • Compatibility: Ensure that the risers you choose are compatible with your skateboard trucks and deck. Check the bolt hole patterns and dimensions to ensure a proper fit.

Effect on Ride Quality

When it comes to skateboarding, every component of your setup plays a role in determining how your board feels and performs. One often overlooked component that can have a significant impact on your ride quality is the skateboard riser. In this section, we will delve into the effects of skateboard risers on maneuverability, responsiveness, smoothness, overall feel, and comfort of skateboarding.


Skateboard risers can have a noticeable effect on the maneuverability of your board. Here are the key points to consider:

  • Riser Height: The height of the riser can affect your board’s turning capabilities. Higher risers tend to decrease maneuverability, while lower risers provide greater control for quick turns and sharp maneuvers.
  • Riser Angle: Some risers come with a built-in angle, altering the truck’s geometry. Angled risers can enhance your board’s turning radius, making it easier to carve and navigate tight spaces.


The responsiveness of your skateboard can be greatly influenced by the risers you choose. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Riser Material: Different materials used in risers can impact how responsive your board feels. Hard plastic risers provide a direct transfer of energy, resulting in snappy and responsive rides, whereas softer rubber risers can absorb vibrations and provide a more dampened and forgiving feel.
  • Riser Shape: Some risers feature a cone or wedge shape, which can affect the leverage and responsiveness of your trucks. A conical riser can increase stability and responsiveness, while a wedge-shaped riser can enhance turning and maneuverability.


Risers can also play a significant role in the smoothness of your ride. Consider the following factors:

  • Shock Absorption: Rubber risers excel at absorbing vibrations from rough terrains, cracks, and bumps, providing a smoother ride. This can be particularly beneficial for cruising or downhill skateboarding.
  • Wheelbite Prevention: Risers help to elevate your trucks, reducing the risk of wheelbite. Wheelbite occurs when your wheels contact the deck while turning sharply, causing an abrupt stop. By preventing wheelbite, risers can contribute to a smoother and more uninterrupted ride.

Overall Feel and Comfort

The overall feel and comfort of your skateboarding experience can be greatly influenced by the risers you choose. Here’s why:

  • Reduced Vibrations: Rubber risers act as a cushion between your trucks and deck, minimizing vibrations. This can enhance comfort, reduce fatigue, and allow for longer skate sessions.
  • Personalized Setup: By selecting the right risers for your needs, you can fine-tune your setup to match your preferences. Whether you prefer a more responsive or a more dampened ride, risers allow you to tailor your skateboard to your liking.

In summary, skateboard risers can have a significant impact on the ride quality of your skateboard. By considering factors such as riser height, angle, material, shape, and their effects on maneuverability, responsiveness, smoothness, overall feel, and comfort, you can make informed decisions and optimize your skateboarding experience.

Remember, every skateboarder is unique, and what works for one person may not work for another. Experimentation and finding the right combination of risers that suit your style of skateboarding is key. So, don’t be afraid to try different setups and embrace the versatility that skateboard risers offer.

Note: Below is a comparison table highlighting the key points covered in this section.

Aspect Effect on Ride Quality
Maneuverability – Riser Height: Higher = Decreased maneuverability, Lower = Greater control – Riser Angle: Angled = Enhanced turning radius
Responsiveness – Riser Material: Hard plastic = Snappy and responsive, Soft rubber = Dampened feel – Riser Shape: Cone = Stability and responsiveness, Wedge = Enhanced turning
Smoothness – Shock Absorption: Rubber = Smoother ride – Wheelbite Prevention: Reduced risk, uninterrupted ride
Overall Feel – Reduced Vibrations: Rubber = Enhanced comfort and reduced fatigue – Personalized Setup: Tailored to preferences

Evaluating the impact of skateboard risers on ride quality and performance

In conclusion, skateboard risers have a significant impact on the overall ride quality and performance. They offer various benefits, such as preventing wheel bite, enhancing shock absorption, and increasing stability. When selecting risers, factors like desired ride feel, maneuverability, and trick execution should be taken into account. Ultimately, the choice of risers should be tailored to individual preferences and riding style.